What is pop door & DH????

Pop door is the opening on a coop... I believe so anyway LOl And the 'D' in DH just depends on your mood
Usually it's DEAR.... Dear Husband, Dear Daughter, Dear Son etc
The pop door was new to me, still don't understand why they call it a pop door, to us it was always the "chicken door", that slid up and down on a rope to open and close.
If I said "I went into the hen house" then its obvious that it was via people door! lol I can't fit in the chickens door! ha ha
If you knew me, you'd understand! ha ha ha
DH is Dear Husband, like the others have said, but for me due to marital status and age, DH is Dear Hunny. When your over 40, BF just doesn't sound right! lol.
(he is as close as Dear Husband as I can get.)
still waiting...and it is driving me crazy!!!! should get april 27 or 28.

i started out getting 3...now i am getting 10 pullets.
2 rhode island reds
2 barred rocks
2 campines
2 australorp
1 EE
1 columbian wyandotte

i wanted a variety. only 1 white egg layer. i like the looks of brown eggs!
I thought DH is for Darling Husband. Well, thats when it means on a pregnancy/baby board that I chat on.
H is for Husband. D is for whatever you want it to be. Might be Dear, Darn or something else. In the earlier days online, like 15 years ago, DH was used in rants quite a bit and they didn't mean Dear, then!

There's also DW, DD, DS and a bunch for the in-laws. DMIL, etc.

You used to have to pay by the minute to upload and download messages, so people tried to be as brief as possible. Even the rants were short.
I have to reply to this because...I thought DH meant Designated Hitter (No joke) that's why some men use it as well.

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