What is quietest breed? Please help.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
Milton, WA
I've got 12 hens right now. I'm living in a small town in the Pacific Northwest, 20 miles south of Seattle, The house next to me has been sitting empty for about two years due to foreclosure, so in the mean time I had perfect little hen farm going. Now house is being sold and someone is moving in. I'm concern about the noise my hens make , you know the egg song, my RIR's are particularly loud, Barred Rocks are loud too, My Buff Orpington seem to be the quiet one, I also have four Americana's, they seem ok. What is the best one to keep in the city, I just dont want to push my luck with new neighbour.
Are you allowed to have chickens? Check your city/county ordinances and HOA (if you have one). If you are allowed and you are within any restrictions, then you really don't have to worry. If you are not allowed to have them, I really don't have any advice.

Regardless, maybe also be a "good neighbor" and welcoming them by giving some fresh eggs along with some good egg recipes?

good luck...
- I live just west of you. . . . Hours away, but still in the same state.

See about how your new neighbor might be. Also check on the laws/ordinances in your area. After that, the queitest breed I've known are my Marans. Very deep voices and not much noise. My true Ameraucanas and Araucanas are the opposite, having a high pitched, VERY noisy voice, especially when they're done with laying an egg.

Course, I don't know about hatchery based "Cuckoo Marans," but my Black Coppers are really calm, quiet, and their egg color. . . WOW. I'm always around to recommend them!
My Welsummers and Cuckoo Marans are prettty quiet compared to a couple of my EE's and my New Hampshires, but I would guess the noise level really varies even within individual birds within each breed.
I'll bet it really varies from bird to bird within any breed, but I've noticed my Welsummers and Cuckoo Marans are more quiet than my EE"s and New Hampshires. I have a couple EE's who are almost continually squwking, and loudly bwwwwawking!
I have 2 Columbian Wyandottes and 2 Speckled Sussex. Those Wyandotte Sisters are the noisiest birds! From their egg song to their constant chatter to their "begging for treats as soon as i'm out the door" sounds. Now I'm not sure if the Sussex Sisters are just naturally quiet, because they almost don't make a sound, or if it's because they can't get a word in edgewise!
I love all 4 of my girls, but the Sussex are by far the quietest chickens (and the prettiest too with their white polka-dots)!
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So I'm not the only one. . . . When it comes to just simply "chatting" all day long, my Wyandottes win. I've got one girl in particular who will make little sounds, or loud sounds, ANY time. . . On her nest, perched before bed, walking around, eating something, done laying an egg, just plain relaxing, anytime. . . .
I find that my Orphingtons and Cochins (both standard and bantam) are my quietest. The big mouths are the Rhodes and especially the Wyonettes. I'm talking about hens, my roos are all loud.

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