What is she/he?!

Lady M

5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
Central Washington
Went the the feed store and got barred rocks, buffs and Rhode island reds.... then this little guy appeared. Those are the only three types they were selling, or so they say. Anyone know what she may be?? 5 toes, feathered legs and a fluffy little noggin. :lol:


Never had a Sultan before. Guess I do now :p

Anyone want to gender guess on another chick?? I'm thinking roo... but who knows.

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So I called the feed store this a.m. and talked to the person there, who confirmed the only other type of chicken they get is a Sultan, but they are typically special ordered from a local breeder because the hatcherie they order from is so far away, and they do not Ship well. He was pretty stumped as to how we ended up with a Sultan from him, and said it must have come in on his mixed delivery. Told me to send in photos once its grown because he wants to see the quality of the hatcheries Sultans. Haha. Guess we are testing it out for him. ThaNks for all your help, everyone! Will keep you posted. (He also informed me that we got as good deal because they are usually more expensive.... lol)
That gender pic looks just like my cornish cross meat bird roos. Is he larger/heavier than the others? I often get them in my mixed breed and hatchery choices batches.
Yes...they seem to grow to fast around their middle for their feathers to keep up. :lol: And yeah whenever I've had them they are like twice the size of the regular chicks by 1-2 weeks old. Just be careful not to let him eat too much, as this could result in him growing to fast for his legs to keep up. And can lead to serious leg problems, I learned this the hard way :(
Thanks for the help all! Kind of makes me want to post photos of the other chicks to see if they are, in fact, barred rocks. Also... everything I've read about Sultans seems to say they should be kept away from other larger breeds. Should we put her in a sesperete area?

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