What Is Something You Didn’t Know When You Joined BYC That Is Embarrassing Now?

He isn’t really 😂
Oh boy
Anticipation Popcorn GIF
I didn't know ducks needed food other than Niacin, that drakes will breed with chickens and can hurt them badly, or that there were illnesses other than bugs and AI that they could get
I didn’t know hens will attempt the worlds most awkward crow when there is no rooster in the flock. I also didn’t know, but learned this morning, that hens will also attempt the wing down stompy mating dance thing. Hard as they try, they continue to look and sound absolutely ridiculous.
I didn't quite join yet, but I was reading the forum beforehand. And I found out I didn't know what breeds of chicken I even had at the start. The feed store guy didn't know either. I asked for leghorns, RIR, and easter eggers. I only got the easter eggers, ended up with barred rock and cuckoo marans. How the heck did that happen? Oh well, now I have barred genetics to mess around with, I guess.

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