What is sticking out of my baby chick!!


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2020
hey all today I discovered one of our baby chicks had pasty butt. i’ve dealt with pasty butt before and did the same thing i always did which was hold luke warm watered down paper towel down to it. after i got it off i put her back in the brooder. the others chicks wouldn’t stop chasing her down and picking at her butt. (she’s also the smallest out of the bunch) i then noticed something pink was hanging out of her butt!!! I’ve seen her poop twice and eat and drink. for now i’m just watching her to make sure the other chicks don’t pick at her. what is it and what should i do?


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It looks like dried poop stuck in her fluff... Gently soften it with a warm cloth and guide it off... Don't pull it. Once cleaned off, take a hair dryer and blow dry on low until she's fluffy again!
It looks like dried poop stuck in her fluff... Gently soften it with a warm cloth and guide it off... Don't pull it. Once cleaned off, take a hair dryer and blow dry on low until she's fluffy again!
thank you! but what about the pink thing. does that worry you? my chicks will not leave her alone and jew doesn’t look to well
thank you! but what about the pink thing. does that worry you? my chicks will not leave her alone and jew doesn’t look to well
Oh... I'm sorry, I totally missed that detail about something pink hanging out of her butt... I have no idea... Sorry 😔 I hope she gets to feeling better.
Oh... I'm sorry, I totally missed that detail about something pink hanging out of her butt... I have no idea... Sorry 😔 I hope she gets to feeling better.
thank you me too 😢 everyone seems to be settling down now for the night i just hope she makes it through the night
Do you have any witch hazel? It's an astringent and can help shrink delicate tissue. What may have happened is the chick was pasted up and was straining to poop, and its lower colon was pushed out.

Until it resolves, you need to keep the chick away from the others or they will try to eat it, killing the chick. Use the witch hazel to dampen a small cotton ball and use it to push the protrusion back inside. It may pop back out again, so use the witch hazel to push it back in each time it falls out.

Eventually, it will stay in. There's a chance this chick has a genetic deformity and it may not resolve. In that case your chick may fail and not survive.
after i got it off i put her back in the brooder. the others chicks wouldn’t stop chasing her down and picking at her butt. (she’s also the smallest out of the bunch) i then noticed something pink was hanging out of her butt!!! I’ve seen her poop twice and eat and drink. for now i’m just watching her to make sure the other chicks don’t pick at her. what is it and what should i do?
but what about the pink thing. does that worry you? my chicks will not leave her alone and jew doesn’t look to well
I agree, a better photo of the pink thing would be good.
I would separate her. Chicks picking at that can cause damage.
Hard to tell if it's prolapse or intestine, but either way it needs to be kept moist if there is a protrusion. Honey, vaseline, coconut oil, anti-inflammatory cream, etc. can be used to keep tissue moist.
Do you have any witch hazel? It's an astringent and can help shrink delicate tissue. What may have happened is the chick was pasted up and was straining to poop, and its lower colon was pushed out.

Until it resolves, you need to keep the chick away from the others or they will try to eat it, killing the chick. Use the witch hazel to dampen a small cotton ball and use it to push the protrusion back inside. It may pop back out again, so use the witch hazel to push it back in each time it falls out.

Eventually, it will stay in. There's a chance this chick has a genetic deformity and it may not resolve. In that case your chick may fail and not survive.
Sugar will help also. It will help remove fluid from the tissue, shrinking it, and allowing it to be gently pushed back in.

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