What is the ballpark estimate?


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
I know it is an inexact science, but I really am lost about what to expect in terms of egg production.
Vaguely, how many eggs a week could there be?

I have 3 Rhode Island Reds
2 Barred Plymouth's
2 Easter Eggers
1 Astralorp

Thanks everyone !
I also have eight hens. Two each of leghorns & silkies, and 4 wyndottes. I've been getting five to six eggs a day since they started laying the first week of January. And I've got silkies which are not usually good layers.

So you may get more than you think. Enjoy!!!
The Easter Eggers are the big question mark, in my opinion. They can be variable in all sorts of ways.

The other 3 are good layers for heritage breeds. I would say that low end would be 50% production and high end would be 85%.

Eight hens over 7 days at 50% would be 28 egg/week.

Eight hens over 7 days at 85% would be 48 egg/week.

My Barred Rocks & Australorps are much closer to high end than low end, thankfully.

According to Storey's Guide, with most breeds you can expect an average of 2 eggs per 3 hens per day. Doing the math, it comes out to 35-40 eggs a week (37.33 if your hens are able to be that precise).
My McMurray EEs lay 6 eggs each each week. Whew!

Now that the weather is cold, other hens have slacked off, some aren't laying at all. Those EEs are still laying 5 eggs each a week. Some "slackers!"
For estimating purposes, figure they lay 5 out of 7 days, unless you have modern hybrids bred t lay til they burst. Mine average 5 per week (some pretty much seven, others three or four) and I have a real mix of breeds.

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