What is the best all-around wormer?

This thread is old, but can Valbazen be put in their water? My birds are all the same size, and I want to avoid catching them all.
It cannot be added to water, it will settle out. They won't get the correct dose. It needs to be given orally to be effective and dosed correctly. How many birds do you have?
Easiest way to worm them is to lock them in the coop at dark, go out early in the morning before sun up and take them off the roost one at a time and dose them. They are calmer then, and no chasing needed. Once dosed, put them in the run, when the coop is empty you are done. If you have a lot of birds you can divide them by color, breed, etc, whatever is easily identifiable, and worm one group a day, until all groups are done. I do 30 birds on a regular basis, takes me about an hour. If you must worm by mixing in water you can use one form of Safeguard, that is Safeguard Aquasol, it's really expensive.

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