what is the best cold hardy brown egg laying chicken

My light brahmas faired the best during this past very cold winter! They even liked the snow.
I am zeroing in on the part where you say that you need them to LAY during the winter. You will need to look at hatchery high production birds like Red SLs and Production reds. Both are cold hardy, but more importantly, don't need to be tricked with lights in the winter.
My Austrolorp has done the best of my girls, but even she has stopped now. Though I will say, she may be molting. Heaven knows, the rest of my ladies are certainly shedding their feathers like crazy!
Where do you live?

My barred rocks laid straight through their first winter. They slowed down some their second winter but that is to be expected I think. Don't know how they're doing now as they're molting.

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