what is the best hatchery to order from?

If you are going to order from a hatchery McMurray is good. I have ordered from them in the past and been very happy. Personally I have never lost any chicks from them.
I have dealt with Privot Hatchery in NM, Hoover Hatchery in Iowa, and Meyer Hatchery in Ohio. Most of the chicks ordered from Privot Hatchery were dead when they arrived and Privot wasn't willing to send new ones. Hoover Hatchery is reasonably priced, but the last batch of chicks I got from them had birds with crossed beaks, crossed toes and some that just didn't thrive. I ordered my last flock of Buff Orpingtons from Meyer Hatchery 3 years ago and lost 12 out of 60 that were shipped. It wasn't the hatcheries fault, the birds got "lost" in transit and were 4 days getting here. I called Meyer Hatchery and was given a credit for the lost birds. The chicks from Meyer were nice chicks and turned out to be nice hens. I ordered my new flock of Rhode Island Reds from Welp Hatchery in October and these are nice chicks also. I ordered 50 hens and 2 roosters and they threw an extra 2 chicks in the order. All of them made it and are doing great. I ordered from Welp Hatchery because I wanted chicks to be laying in the spring and Meyer Hatchery didn't have any RIR's till later in November. I would definitely go with Welp or Meyer again.
It is always a risk to order chicks by mail. I recommend Meyer and also you should contact your local post office and let them know that they should be expecting chicks when the time comes. Also be sure your brooder is set up prior to there arrival. Pro biotic and electrolyte solutions can also be utilized to help jump start the chicks progress however they are not required

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