What is the biggest/heaviest egg your chicken has ever laid?....

I just recently got a scale so I missed out on alot of weighing; one that was a blue egg with 3 yolks. Since my scale the biggest that i've seen is 3.4 and several runners up.

WOW, a blue egg with 3 YOLKS!!!, dont' americanas lay those, aren't they on the smaller side of chickens...? cause dang, I've never had a 3 yolker...& wow yea 3.4 is great, My little leghorn is so small I just can't believe she can hatch something that big...its crazy...glad I ain't a chicken!
One of my While Leghorn lays 70 Grams egg which is quite bigger then the one i was getting, about 52-54 grams.
I have not checked it as yet, whether its a double yolk or not, but one of them giving double yolker which is normally 59-60 grams.
So will see if that 70 gram is a double yolker or not?

Here is my Whitey, my white leghorn egg the other day, she's laid multiple eggs like this in the past almost 2yrs but this time I finally weighed it, a whopping 3.5oz!! My other 2 RIR eggs only weighed the usual 2.2oz & 2.3oz.
My barred rock laid 107gram egg yesterday. 😧 Poor chicken, that is our largest to date. They would lay some at the 72-74gram weight at times but never this! Can’t wait to crack it and see what we get!

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