What is the chance of a 12 day old chick regenerating a part of it's beak?


5 Years
Mar 11, 2014
One of my adult chicken tried to peck one of my chicks beak when it is in the cage. I think she is mean towards young chickens. Last time I mix young chickens inside her coop, she pecks them to the point where they bleed a lot. All of my chickens are free range, but at night and morning hours, they are usually inside the cage. I fear that she might do it again to the other chicks tomorrow. =( The part of the beak that is damage, is near the chick's nose. I think it is a shallow wound, but it bled. Is it possible that the chick's beak will regenerate?
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Yes, there's a good chance especially given its age. I would get rid of that older hen though. Nasty is not a good thing to keep. She makes the lives of others stressful and costs you time and money in treating them.

Best wishes.
Yes, there's a good chance especially given its age. I would get rid of that older hen though. Nasty is not a good thing to keep. She makes the lives of others stressful and costs you time and money in treating them.

Best wishes.
I don't want to kill her.She is nice to other chickens and towards me, and I can hand feed her. In fact she had an eye worm about 2 months ago, and I treated her even though she pecked two of my younger chickens few weeks before she have an eye worm. My 2 chickens have a lot of blood on their face on that time. After she did that, I just seperated her and all of the chickens that she will peck hard in the coop, and I never have any problems about her pecking the other chickens which make them bleed a lot. I am just going to find a way to prevent her from doing it again on the chick's.

I hope that the chick's beak will regenerate.
The chick's beak will probably be fine, but if in doubt, post a pic and people can tell you if it's the sort of wound that heals or doesn't.

Best wishes.
You should keep the new ones in a separate cage right in the big cage so they can safely get used to eachother. Then after a week or so, put the new ones in a night when they are all sleeping. Hope this helps
The chick's beak will probably be fine, but if in doubt, post a pic and people can tell you if it's the sort of wound that heals or doesn't.

Best wishes.

I don't want to post it's picture, but I believe you about what you wrote about my chick having a good chance that it will regenerate a part of it's beak.
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I don't want to post it's picture, but I believe you about what you wrote about my chick having a good chance that it will regenerate a part of it's beak.

If you're worried about being judged, don't worry, everyone has made some error of judgement at some point or another that's caused an animal to come to harm. Only a hypocrite would give you a hard time.

If you just don't want to post a pic, that's totally fine too. If the wound is not able to regenerate though you'd find that out the hard way, when it's too late to help, because if it is too serious, now is the time to take action; however you can probably find the necessary info without posting a pic and asking people, and you can take the necessary steps if it isn't healing quickly. There's a good chance due to its age, so best wishes with that.

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