What is the difference between an Ameraucana and an EE ?


"Draft Apple Ridge" a Bit from Heaven
12 Years
Jan 10, 2010
UP North WI
I'm confused !!
What is the difference between an Ameraucana and an EE ?

I see the names used to describe any bird that lays or comes from a blue or green egg?

Someone please help me out here. I have two hens laying green eggs and an Ameraucan Rooster? How do I know if they are the true thing or EEr's.

I'll post pictures later.

No difference. Both are mutt birds, but they lay green or blue tinted eggs. They come from Araucauna which is the pure breed that lays ONLY BLUE eggs.
Some hatcheries call them Ameracauna to trick you, but it's just a "designer" chicken
Ameraucanas conform to the breed standard...correct features, feather color, etc. EE is used to describe any bird that lays a colored egg that doesn't conform to a breed standard or isn't "pure."

Where did you get your birds? If they are from a hatchery you have EEs. The only way to get true Ameraucanas is from a breeder.
This is absolutely NOT true! Ameraucana and Araucana are 2 completely distinct breeds and one was not bred from the other.

Hatcheries do tend to call their EEs Ameraucanas, which is where the confusion comes in.
Correction: Ameraucana is not a mutt. It has a description in the Standard of Perfection, with only eight colors, certain eye and leg color, etc. Easter Eggers are crosses and can lay any color egg, including brown.

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