What is the easiest way to tell the difference between a RIR and NH?


Rosecomb Rich
12 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Norco, CA
I bought a RIR roo and right from the get go I suspected he may be a New Hampshire, but he was so big and broad, I tried to ignore the feeling.....How can I tell for sure?




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Post a pic and one of us can tell you. In general, the NHR are a more orangey red, while the RIR are more of a dark mahogany red. Sometimes it's hard to tell because the colors can vary quite a bit depending on the breeder or hatchery. You can look at pics on feathersite.com - that may help, too.
Katy is right about the color. I've had both. I decided to stick with the NH. They were always broader. I'm looking for a breeding roo to go with my NH hens right now. Know of any?

I've got a great pic of a NH roo. I have to hunt it down.


Great link for just checking out what the breeds look like.
well im thinking he is NH.....anyone want him? I was just hoping on the off chance that he would be a nice broad RIR that I could improve the color on with breeding to my darker girls....
ok i just posted pics...sorry theyre so big.....also the hen on the left in the first pic should be culled right? shes rir, but i dont like her coloring one bit. the only thing she has going for her is she has a nice comb....and even if this guy is RIR he should go right, regardless of his broadness (seriously u should see him in person, hes HUGE!)? If I am trying breed RIRs?
They might be production RIRs, but they're not nearly as dark as my RIRs are. These pictures are from when mine were younger. I don't have a decent picture of my roo, but he's a deep dark red/mahogany too.


Ive got a couple that are the standard. I just got this roo and then even more recently two free hens....couldnt say no to free, but now Im thinking I may need to get rid of them lol

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