What is the friendliest bantam breed?

silkies and cochins are from all appearances friendly but I think that is because they are too lazy to try and get away.

My Silkies can't SEE to get away. They stay kind of unnerved about that . If I sit down at their level on the coop floor, they are quite sociable.

you might want to start a thread and ask, we have never had a good one, good in that you could catch, touch one, and sometimes we were running from, so i am out of that breed, they are pretty yes, but i havent come into contact with one that isnt timid. but i would ask, you have a lot of people with differnet experiences here so it would be great to see the replies.
I live in southwestern part of Mich and had no problems with the mille fleurs, they did very well and if the weather got real cold we put a heat lamp in the coop. The only problems occured with the standard birds with large combs, some suffered frostbite.
cochins are very sweet-even most of the roos I've had. Some people said Japanese, but I thought the roos were supposed to be pretty mean. I have two hens though, and they are very docile.
Well, wet rooster smell is just about as bad as wet dog smell when I was finally able to get him after a rain storm one day. Picture a White ball of feathers tucked in the middle of a 6 foot tall bush. I do have to admit that it made me chuckle a little bit.

By the way I am still putting in a good word for the bantam cochins.
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Seramas are great. Hens and rooster are both very sweet. The hens are very sweet to people, but still have an "attitude". Despite my serama hen being the smallest (and being named Squeaky
), she isn't afraid of fighting a rooster in the cage next to her at show or our 5Xs larger black star hen. The roosters couldn't be more sweet though. Sorry, but Sebrights couldn't get any more mean. Hens are flighty and rooster will attack you.
So far I love my D'Uccles. They are 5 weeks old and will fly up on my shoulder and sing in my ear. Especially the pullets. They also give the softest, sweetest look first thing in the morning. Very sweet, good natured bird. Mine get handled a lot by the kids and don't seem to mind. Of course my kids are teens - but they act like three year olds when it comes to the chickens...

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