What is the going rate for Silver Laced Wyondotte's?


12 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Small Town, Virginia
I have 6 Silver Laced Wyondotte's that we aquired nearly 5 weeks ago when they were a few days old. I won't have room for them in our coops, so I need to sell soon. Just wonder what the going rate would be at this age, unsure if they are male or female.
I know when TS had them they were like $2.50 or $3.50 each. We didn't buy them, they were given to us but we have been feeding them all this time and would like to get something out of them.
I am no expert on the topic, but I purchased a couple of 7-8 week old Frizzles at the Tilton, NH chicken swap last weekend. They were $12/ea at 7-8 weeks old (one cockerel, one pullet). People were selling other common breeds aged 6-8 weeks or so from $10-15/ea and most people seemed to sell out quickly. I don't know much about the breed you've got, but my assumption would be that high production egg laying breeds would likely be closer to $15/ea while males and lower production breeds would be closer to $10/ea.
I am in Newport, just west of Blacksburg. Want to sell?

I am thinking about it. Was hoping to wait and see if there is at least 1 pullet to keep, but I think I will sell them all instead. Can you come get them? You can PM me or at least I think you can on here?? Maybe e-mail me? We can set something up.

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