What is the specific reason roosters are not allowed?

Living in the city comes with a reasonable expectation of additional noise from humans, but not, for example the mooing of cattle and the smell of manure. The country is quieter, in a sense, but not always, because you will still hear tractors and farm equipment and livestock and smell livestock and manure being spread, and hear hunting if that is in the area, and hear all of the wildlife including foxes barking outside your window at 3 am and such. And for whatever reason people think country roads are Nascar trials so you will have to deal with that as well. But like I said, that is to be expected, and human noise is expected in the city, and it is also expected in the city that since that noise is human induced that it can be altered/modified/regulated and thus you don't have to worry about being woken up at 3 am by disagreeable noises if you choose your house and neighbor carefully. Someone could very well decide to weed eat every morning at 430, you are right. However, cities, communities, etc are designed to function for the good of the society, not the individual and in a sense you can look at it like being in a marriage, which some of us take to better than others. Me, I'm not so good at it and the compromise and all that but for others the give and take and sharing of "life" are enjoyable rather than a burden. If someone's dogs come into your yard and bite your child or kill are your chickens, are you going to say its okay because they had the right to not pen up their animals?
There are many countries....cities and islands (even in the US) where there is no restrictions on roosters not matter how close the quarters are. People deal with it... because it's normal, and people respect people rights to have them. Many places in Europe have been living with a crowing rooster for ages, it been a part of life. Same with Puerto Rico or So Cal. in the U.S.

And yea if you are that adamant about getting away from people and not having any noise, go be a hermit far away with no people. You are thinking as if it's the noise sensitive person that is the one that is in support for the "good of society" and "community", but in actuality it's them that are being the less tolerant to other people in the community... if they do not want to learn how to live with other people with different hobbies and ways of living... then move away from people. To restrict peoples rights for the convenience of a few goes against that very notion.

I think the dog example is a completely different discussion... that is an animal that is leaving your property AND destroying someone else's property or even hurting other people in the process... that's a clear violation. I thinks it's totally reasonable to make it an obligation that animals do not wander off your property into someone else's... ESPECIALLY if they cause harm.

I appreciate your input, the other poster was quite a bit more snarky. I simply have a different view on how things should be and I feel like it's based on solid foundations of ethics and liberty, In which the United States was founded on(I'm personally from the U.S.).

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