what is this and how do you fix it


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 6, 2013
i have been told prolapse and pasty butt and i have tried things for both what can i do to help i know she has to be in pain
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Oh my, that does look painful... I'm new here and new to raising chickens, I can't help you but my comment will bump you so that maybe someone can...
To me that looks a lot worse than a prolapse and pasty butt, and the black area in the middle looks necrotic. How long has she been like this? Until the problem is figured out, you need to keep her inside and clean, otherwise flies will lay on the moist tissue. Hope someone else has some better advice!
Not to be negative, but that doesn't look good. That is definitely NOT pasty butt, my dear. I hope someone can help you!
That looks like a massive prolapse. Try to see if the blackish/brownish areas are dead tissue or just crud that can be gently rinsed off. That will be telling about her prognosis, however, I wouldn't have high hopes for recovery from this severe of an issue.
That doesn't look like something treatable to me, at least not without a vet. That looks pretty serious. In all honesty, I'd seriously consider putting her down because that just looks like a miserable state to be in.
Talked with the vet she is coming out tomorrow but from the pics i showed her she thinks it a tumor that was in the vent and has gotten so large it pushed its way out and the white is pasty butt but it is from the tumor being there we have her cleaned up and gave her aspirin for pain and she is resting in a box next to my bed now the vet will let me know tomorrow if it can be removed or if its best to put her down
We have had it removed She has a few stitches and is resting well she should be back to normal soon she seems more comfortable now

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