What is this bird?!


11 Years
Jun 3, 2008

Can someone give me an idea if this 10 week old bird is a boy or girl? I bought it under the name of Americana although I'm not certain if that is indeed what it is... this tail is just looking strange to me and this bird is VERY different temperament/behavior than the other chickens. The waddles are almost nonexistant and the face is just now starting to pink up... but doesn't that tail look long or is it just me?? (I've also heard a strange sound coming from this bird. I wouldn't call it a crow but then again I've read they don't quite sound normal right off... and then this is the one that jumps on the backs of all the others and won't let me touch it...) I've thought female all this time but I'm beginning to wonder. Please set me mind at rest from all this guessing!

Thanks everyone! I'm relieved (although I look at pictures of Roos and want one so bad -they are beautiful!) All my other girls tails are a bit on the stumpy side compared to this one. I thought she was throwing me a curve ball. Good to know we're still on track!


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