What is this chick?!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 22, 2014
I have a new batch of chicks and I got one "free chick" that is a mystery to me. I believe it's a roo, but clueless to what kind of breed it is. Can anyone help me or is it just too soon to tell?


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Well, it's way too young to tell the gender of, so could be a cockerel or a pullet. As for breed, I'm thinking maybe a blue andalusian? If it is, you are very lucky. They are beautiful birds!! Any way, it is a lovely blue chick. When it starts getting older, you could post more pictures. Then we might be able to tell you more certainly! :)
It sure is a beautiful chick!
Thank you everyone! I ordered from Murray McMurray and I had the option to add a free "exotic chick" to the batch. My batch included EE's, Black Australorps, and a Buff Orpington roo. So maybe it's a Blue Orpington. I'll have to look up Blue Andalusion, I don't think I've ever heard of that. I will keep you posted as he/she grows. In case he's a rooster, I've been handling him a lot to keep him used to me. He seems to be the more aggressive. Thank you again for all your input!

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