What is this "Chicken Dance"?


7 Years
My Roo does a funky chicken dance
around one hen or another when I go outside. What does this mean? Is it a sign of dominance? Does it mean "this is my girl, stay away"? Or what? It's kinda funny...scraping wings on the ground kinda fast and circling the hen. What do you think?
Generally the roo will dance for his girls before mating them. How old is your roo?
I have hard it said that a roo that dances for the ladies is a good rooster.

My roo does the same thing. He will dance for the ladies.
My little Blue Silkie Mizuki is great at the Dance. *open and drop a wing...stampstampstamp real fast...go sideways...half circle...stampstampstamp* He really really loves to do his Chicken Flamenco for my big 22 week old Cuckoo Marans girl :D
Wow, thanks everyone. Very interesting...my Roo is about 20 months old. He has been a very good Rooster. He has a new flock to watch after this year and that seems to keep him quite busy. Some of the girls are nearing egg laying and his mate my original girl I got when I got him is busy being a mother to her "almost 6 week old chick"!

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