What is this chicken thinking?

We surmise her personality with one word- ENTITLED. She has no interest in her own dinner plate and insists you hold it for her. She is not above sneezing in your food and wipes her face on you when she is full. The cats and our dog have to scoot over while she inspects their meals and she will promptly empty the contents onto the floor if she thinks something better is hidden under the kibble. We love her dearly and put up with her like a perpetual toddler. She is a sweet little friend.
Sesame Chicken picking out all of the flakes in my Raisin Bran! She tears up and spits out the raisins back into the bowl.What was she thinking?
Science Experiment #417 is a success! Mealworms DO float! And from now on mom will be giving us all the Raisin Bran I bet!

For some reason the hens insist it is time to take down the Christmas Lights.

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