What is this chicken thinking?

(chicken in the pop hole) Hilda...don't even think about it! This is my territory so go lay your eggs somewhere else! (chicken on the ramp) Pearl, I am sorry I stole your stash of mealworms. Really I am! I promise I will never do it again...now please move cause this egg ain't waitin' any longer!!!!!
Just a word of warning before you go in - Sister Hen is in the nest box now and she is in a fowl mood today and is extra bossy. I would suggest you stay out of her way.
That's probably what was being said. The hen standing at the door had just been involved in some sort of squabble and met the hen on the ramp on her way out. The two spent a few moments making spllurrrring noises and this is the next photo I took:

Then Big Sister got involved and the trouble maker was subued.

Let me tell you, Big Sister ain't afraid to flare her bustle!
Love the "flaring bustle"!

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