What is this Duck thinking

Maybe he is frustrated he can't protect Julie. Vleugel was with Kaatje last year. As many as 3 drakes would chase her and he couldn't help, it was really sad. She died later when she was brooding and he already left her.
Yesterday little Lilian showed up and he just bit her in her butt! She gave a loud quack and they all got startled and flew off. Except for Vleugel, he was flapping his wings and running as fast as he could LOL

It makes me sad they don't want to be cuddled. But it would break my heart if they didn't show up anymore because they got scared. When the girls were still together I could pet their backs when they were eating but now with all the drakes things got complicated. It seems like yesterday when they were running like dinosaurs and a friend and I put ant nests and dirt in their swimming pool. That was on a camping, the babies were just 10 days old (and Junior only 1 day) and they went on vacation. At night they slept in a cage in the caravan with my parents
That is sad he couldn't help. And sometimes I curse Nature when it makes drakes do that but then there is a reason for it. More ducks come about because of it.

Running like dinosaurs. I love that. They certainly look just like them. My tiny girl finch looks like one in certain positions. I call her my "little dinosaur girl."

I agree with you about heartbreak over them never coming back if they were stressed out due to being handled. It would break my heart too if God forbid, they didn't come back. I'd cry and they aren't mine but I still care and come to love the ducks of those that show pics/videos and tell us about their personalities.

I think I remember the picture of Junior you posted where it was a close up in I think the 'what is this duck thinking' thread where his face was kinda over a bowl of something. I had actually saved that picture to my phone's background for a while. It was a very cute pic.

Interesting about the drakes complicating things. I am all too familiar with that as a human. Just introduce a cute guy to the mix and things can go sideways.
Tony!!  Wow!!  Seriously.  I am getting chills just reading this.  I am amazed and it's so perfect.  All of it.  I appreciate your efficiency with the itinerary. I could have never been able to figure this out myself.  Never.  I'd probably end up zig zagging all over the place like an idiot.  

Luckily I do have some experience driving on the "other" side of the road.  I spent 2 weeks in Cape Town, SA on a rock climbing trip with a girlfriend and she refused to drive so I had to.  I was so proud of myself.  I got used to it.  I am in awe you spent 3 months in England.  

Beanie Baby eggs.  Io.  AAAWWWEEEE!!  Miss Lydia's geese.  And all the precious birbs I get to scoop and kiss on the way.  And all the great BYC friends.  :celebrate

WTHECK???!!! Add me in! Eastern WA. Not far out of the way at all!! Lol
Maybe he is frustrated he can't protect Julie. Vleugel was with Kaatje last year. As many as 3 drakes would chase her and he couldn't help, it was really sad. She died later when she was brooding and he already left her.
Yesterday little Lilian showed up and he just bit her in her butt! She gave a loud quack and they all got startled and flew off. Except for Vleugel, he was flapping his wings and running as fast as he could LOL

It makes me sad they don't want to be cuddled. But it would break my heart if they didn't show up anymore because they got scared. When the girls were still together I could pet their backs when they were eating but now with all the drakes things got complicated. It seems like yesterday when they were running like dinosaurs and a friend and I put ant nests and dirt in their swimming pool. That was on a camping, the babies were just 10 days old (and Junior only 1 day) and they went on vacation. At night they slept in a cage in the caravan with my parents :lol:

I always f d that after a few luxurious days at Uncle Tom's Ducky Dayspa even the most discerning hen is ready to cuddle!! Lol
That is sad he couldn't help.  And sometimes I curse Nature when it makes drakes do that but then there is a reason for it.  More ducks come about because of it.  

Running like dinosaurs.  I love that.  They certainly look just like them.  My tiny girl finch looks like one in certain positions.  I call her my "little dinosaur girl."

I agree with you about heartbreak over them never coming back if they were stressed out due to being handled.  It would break my heart too if God forbid, they didn't come back.  I'd cry and they aren't mine but I still care and come to love the ducks of those that show pics/videos and tell us about their personalities.

 I think I remember the picture of Junior you posted where it was a close up in I think the 'what is this duck thinking' thread where his face was kinda over a bowl of something.  I had actually saved that picture to my phone's background for a while.  It was a very cute pic.  

Interesting about the drakes complicating things.  I am all too familiar with that as a human.  Just introduce a cute guy to the mix and things can go sideways.;)

The ratio is off, and the girls being chased makes them more prone to get hit by a car. It's especially bad for the city ducks. When I was a kid and biking home from middle school a duck crashed into me because she was being chased. I don't think she really hurt herself.

It's so funny when they run like that, it was hilarious. This of course calls for a photo of your finch girl!

Awww, my ducks could probably handle themselves if they left, and there are not many dangers for adult ducks, but I would be so worried and sad :c

That's so sweet to hear, Junior is now busy with her partner. Her friend is nice to other ducks but some drakes want to be macho.

I should try to upload some new duck pictures and get ontopic again x)
The ratio is off, and the girls being chased makes them more prone to get hit by a car. It's especially bad for the city ducks. When I was a kid and biking home from middle school a duck crashed into me because she was being chased. I don't think she really hurt herself.

It's so funny when they run like that, it was hilarious. This of course calls for a photo of your finch girl!

Awww, my ducks could probably handle themselves if they left, and there are not many dangers for adult ducks, but I would be so worried and sad :c

That's so sweet to hear, Junior is now busy with her partner. Her friend is nice to other ducks but some drakes want to be macho.

I should try to upload some new duck pictures and get ontopic again x)
Oh no. I hate that idea of any poor duck getting hit by a car. I am glad the one being chased was ok after she hit you. I was once driving by Drake Park here in town and a low flying duck hit my car. He kinda glanced the side of it and actually did not get hurt and was able to continue flying off. I was so upset.

I will get a photo of my dinosaur finch girl. My birds are between the size of a hummingbird and house sparrow and their postures so closely resemble dinosaurs. It's cool.

I am glad Junior has a nice partner. It is interesting how drakes can be so macho and even between individuals their personalities are so different. Some are naughty and others aren't.

Oh yay, I'd love to see some new pictures of your ducks. I am always entertained by what you put up.
Ugh I can't decide what type of ducks to get! I'm getting a small breeding flock of calls but would like too get a flock like Tony's only smaller. I decided on 16 ducks and o would like at least six calls but I can't decide to fill in with. I really like runners, Swedish, Cambell, Buff, Aylesbury, Saxony, Silver Aplleyard, Crested, Ancona, Magpie, Hookbill, Cascade, Rouen, Muscovy, Pekin, Cayuga, Welsh harlequin, You can see how I could have some trouble! I don't care about egg rate noise or size or anything like that just color! Any suggestions would be great! Ps I would love to have more calls also!
Ugh I can't decide what type of ducks to get! I'm getting a small breeding flock of calls but would like too get a flock like Tony's only smaller. I decided on 16 ducks and o would like at least six calls but I can't decide to fill in with. I really like runners, Swedish, Cambell, Buff, Aylesbury, Saxony, Silver Aplleyard, Crested, Ancona, Magpie, Hookbill, Cascade, Rouen, Muscovy, Pekin, Cayuga, Welsh harlequin, You can see how I could have some trouble! I don't care about egg rate noise or size or anything like that just color! Any suggestions would be great! Ps I would love to have more calls also!
Based on your parameters (If I read this right - Duck, that's about it...) either pick a source and limit yourself to what they have (that's what I did) or wander around looking at ducks until one gives you the right Squeeeeee! and get that one and repeat until you are full up.
I would definitely, definitely, definitely get a Welsh Harlequin. They are SOOOOO pretty and super mellow. Other than that, the only duck that has given me any grief is Kaine and I think that is just a lead drake thing. He really is a sweet boy with us.

As I have often said, I would get at least two runners (I love my 4) if you get any because they interact on a different level with each other than they do with other ducks. The best analogy I can make is they are like Irish women. Now I don't mean Irish heritage, I mean from Ireland - let me explain. When I was growing up, my best friends parents were Irish (first generation) and although his mother had quite a strong brogue and a wonderful lilt to her voice talking, she was easy to understand. I was there one day when her sister (who was still in Ireland) called her... It was like "The Flight of the Bumblebee", joyful, musical and completely incomprehensible.

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