What is this goose thinking?

Brazil, are those new goslings or the ones you had a few weeks ago?
They´re my first goslings..mixed-breeds. We knew nothing about them, but a friend wanted to find them homes, so we took on three...turned out to be 3 females. All went smoothly, we had no problems. We just managed to do it right by accident..and, of course, I read up a lot once I had them. They have their own big goslings now.
They´re my first goslings..mixed-breeds.  We knew nothing about them, but a friend wanted to find them homes, so we took on three...turned out to be 3 females.  All went smoothly, we had no problems. We just managed to do it right by accident..and, of course, I read up a lot once I had them. They have their own big goslings now.  :)

Very cute and you were pretty lucky getting all females.
Wow, this thread has been around for a while, and I didn't notice it 'til now! I guess I have been spending most of my time in the chicken sections, especially on the "what is this chicken thinking thread." Now I know where to post my funny geese photos.
You and me both! Never even knew this thread existed and was always posting in the What is this Chicken thinking!!!
Wow, this thread has been around for a while, and I didn't notice it 'til now! I guess I have been spending most of my time in the chicken sections, especially on the "what is this chicken thinking thread." Now I know where to post my funny geese photos.
(goose on the left with beak open) Look out ladies....a FLASHER!!!

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