What is THIS thing?


9 Years
Apr 7, 2010
I bought a large batch of chicks from someone, and this oddball was thrown in. Didnt think to ask what it was at the time.

Its coloring reminds me of a reeves pheasant, but not quite. Has a comb and sounds/acts like a chicken. Lives with my silkies and is very docile. Not sure how old.

I have other better pictures but I'm getting errors trying to upload them to an online host. Any suggestions?

And yes, it has greenish legs.
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You can upload through BYC, on the top bar, where there is a button you use to log in, there is one that says "Uploads" click it and a new page will open. Hit "browse" and select the photo then upload it.

as for the breed, I say Easter Egger.
Then it must be an Ameraucana! Amazing. I just noticed that s/he has a gray fluff growing in under the chin (yes, it watches TV with me late at night)
That is not an Ameraucana they don't come in those colors or patterns it would be an Easter Egger the cross mutt version of an Ameraucana-very common EE color unfortunately everyone seems to call these Ameraucana's making it confusing

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