What is this??


7 Years
Aug 20, 2015
Alright, so my sister noticed a hen walking abnormally. Pretty slow and sick-ish looking. She also seems to be missing her tail, under which a medium sized swollen lump has appeared on the top of the vent. It's not solid and can be squished, but I didn't want to poke around and harm her, and there seems to be a sort of liquid coming from her vent. Pictures will be below, however, the quality probably isn't the best. Answers needed.


Her breath also seems to be a bit on the raspy side, like she has some type of liquid in her throat. I can't imagine what happened to her to make her lose her tail, but after inspecting it, it appears to have been pulled out. I just want to know if there's anything I can do for her besides trim the feathers on her rear.
i think its impacted egg, cos the pics looks like she has some white poop near the vent. and is like she had an untreated cocci case for long. i think treating her with anti cocci could solve the case.
She does have white poop near her vent, but the swelling is the skin right *above* the vent, and it looks like it's filled with some blood, so I don't think it's impacted egg. Also, I don't think she has cocci either, as she was vaccinated (I think) and it doesn't seem like it. I've done some research on cocci, and it doesn't have the appearance. I think it has something to do with her tail getting pulled out, but don't ask me by what, as I have no idea. Thank you for your answer though.
Wow. That could be cancer. Soak her in a hot bath with Epsom salts for 15 min then change to charcoal.

Actually, it's very squishy, and I've had chickens with tumors. They're firm and almost immovable, but this isn't. Thank you for the answer anyways. :)
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