What is this


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2017
Good morning! Please help! I went to let the girls out this morning and these partches of "mold/mildew" are all over . We had lots of rain yesterday and the air was dense fog this morning. We live in a middle TN. How can I kill it/get rid of it. Thank you so much!!!!


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Yeah, it is mold. We had that a couple of weeks ago here in Virginia. After days of rain, it was all over the soil and manure in the garden. But i just left it alone and when the sun finally came back, the mold slowly disappeared. If you feel like you must do something, you can spray a dilute solution of vinegar on the mold. I would only fret about it if it is in the bedding of the coop. Keep us posted, and here's to some fine weather.

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