What is this?

A hitch..


It’s an adjustable hitch clevis...

The agriculture museum that I was posting pics from on this thread early this year had this plow on display and this little write up mentioning the clevis...

My uncle has my grandad’s plow and I mentioned the clevis on it to him this spring... and then he found this extra one in my grandad’s shed and decided I should have it...

Not sure what to do with it :rolleyes:

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It’s an adjustable hitch clevis...

The agriculture museum that I was posting pics from on this thread early this year had this plow on display and this little write up mentioning the clevis...

My uncle has my grandad’s plow and I mentioned the clevis on it to him this spring... and then he found this extra one in my grandad’s shed and decided I should have it...

Not sure what to do with it :rolleyes:

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I have a couple of them around here. I didn’t want to get to detailed. I was hoping people would discount my answer and make other guesses... sort of like the “Queen of the Southies” did.

I have a couple of them around here. I didn’t want to get to detailed. I was hoping people would discount my answer and make other guesses... sort of like the “Queen of the Southies” did.

Would you stop trying to brainwash me into believing I'm from the south :barnie
Ohzark has worked very hard to convince me we are from the Midwest. I'm so confused :hit

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