What is this?


5 Years
Feb 19, 2014
Hesperia, CA
My favorite, friendliest hen (also last in pecking order) has this weird area of missing feathers. It's been about 2-3 weeks and I think I can see new growth, but I want to make sure it's not something else. Any ideas?
Sorry. Here's a pic. It wouldn't upload before.

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It's possible one of the other birds snatched the feathers out. If you have a roo he can pull out head feathers when he mounts, too.
I'm pretty sure that's what happened initially. One day, the hens were hiding from the roo; he was calling and calling for them and then one of them answered and he came running to their hiding place and disciplined them. But it hasn't really gotten any better since then so I wanted to ask if anyone thought it was mites.
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