What is wrong with my chick-updated


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
central florida
I got 3 EEs yesterday at the feed store. Two are doing fine. The third has not done anything but sit and chirp. I have put her beak in water several times but she wont eat or drink on her own. I havent gotten her to eat anything. She barely moves and when she does she looks a bit off balance. Her legs look fine so I dont know why. Every time another chick comes near her she trys to cuddle up with it. I dont think she will make it but thought I would see if anyone had any suggestions.
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The rest of the chicks are fine, so I dont think it is too cold. I have been giving her sugar water, every couple of hours or so. I really dont want her to die.
Try feeding her moistened food by hand? (Be sooo careful she doesn't get it down the "wrong pipe"/aspirate--that will kill her quick!) Try scrambled eggs? Try keeping her in your shirt/bra? Hmmm.. out of ideas.....
dealing with the same- check out my post "chicks dying one by one"

The one actively dying is falling over and her wings aren't held tight against her body.


its not easy sometimes having these little buggers.
I just read your thread. Sounds pretty much the same. I am sitting here with her in my shirt. I got her to drink a little sugar water but cant get her to open her mouth for food. I dont want to shove it down her throat. She gets pretty feisty when I pick her up.
My husband has my camera, I can post one later. She looks pretty normal just standing there. Her wings just hang down a little. But all she does is stand there, wont eat or drink.

OMG, I think she is doing better! Ive had her in my shirt for about 2 hours, giving her a bit of water with some food in it. She hasnt taken much. A minute ago she jumped out of shirt a walked a bit and pooped. I havent seen her poop before. Just now she pecked at a mole on my chest, which is also something else i havent seen her do before. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

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