What is wrong with my chicken?? (video included)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 5, 2014
Yesterday I noticed one of my chickens just sitting in the corner (like she was in time-out). When I tried to move her, she walked as if she was drunk or like her legs couldn't hold her up. She would take a step and seem to fall over, her wings flaling. My husband told me that he'd noticed something a week ago (of course, he never told me...grrrr).

I've been doing loads of research online and the only thing I keep coming back to is that she's egg-bound, especially because of her stance.

I tried videotaping her today but, of course, she wasn't all that active, but please note how she is sitting...very vertical.

I treated her today as though she WERE egg-bound, giving her some lubricant (a FIRST for me!) and giving her a warm bath (actually, I help warm compresses up to her) She has a lot of dried excrement on her...totally crusty...and she's been sleeping and spending most of her time in the egg boxes. The odd thing is that I found 2 eggs today in the box she's been in, so I'm not sure if she's actually laying or she's getting out of the box long enough for another chicken to lay.

I also gave her a 1/2 of a baby aspirin, which was a suggestion to see if she was suffering from joint or tendon pain in her legs. She did get up shortly thereafter and start moving (my video was taken after the aspirin, when she finally left the coop and moved out into the run), but I am not sure the two things were related.

Anyway, please take a look at this video and let me know what you think. Thank you so much!

How old she, did you feel inside her to see if you feel an egg. Give her a human calcium, if she is, it might help it pass.
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Unfortunately it could be anything. Egg-bound is my first thought, she could be vitamin deficiency, Marek's disease, rickets, coccidiosis. Worm her and treat her for mites. Rule out things. Bring her into the house to keep her warm, see what her poop looks like.

Here is a link that has some good links in it, including egg bound and vitamin links, deworming info.

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I have checked for an egg and have not found anything. She is pooing, which I thought was maybe a good sign, and she's eating and drinking. I have actually brought her into the house so I can take a better look at her (my cats ALSO want to take a good look at her!), and it seems that she can't keep her legs below her. She is in a bit of a slippery-bottomed box with newspaper, but her legs just keep sliding out so she's having a lot of trouble moving around. Is that any particular condition I can look into?
She looks like she's egg bound or has ascites. Get a glove, some KY Jelly and do a cloacal exam. If you find and egg give her some human calcium or calcium gluconate. If you think her belly is filled with fluid you could try to drain it. If the fluid keeps building up it will eventually put too much pressure on her internal organs and kill her. If possible, take her to a vet.

I checked for an egg yesterday (glove and lube and all)...I felt nothing. Her poop was totally normal. Not that I know what her abdomen is supposed to feel like but she doesn't seem a bit bothered when I poke at it. I gave her a warm compress yesterday and the day before. Today I am planning on putting her in a little tub with some epsom salts, as I've heard that can be very helpful. But otherwise, I just don't know. I will look up ascitis...no idea how I'd "drain an abdomen."
Draining her is very risky if you are not well experienced.

Do you think that your hen has internal layers?

Did you check her poops every time? when you check her poops whole time, it may give you some clue... because their poops are not the same all the time.
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I swear her abdomen isn't swollen, although she is standing with her legs really far apart. If anything, she feels sort of bony.

Nothing feels wrong "down there." I placed her on the carpet in the basement to see how she moved (so her feet wouldn't slide out from under her), and she just stood there, and then every so often, her wing would flop down to the floor. Not sure if that was about balance or what. She waddled and then sat down. I put her back in her box and she went right over to eat.

Oh, and her comb seems to have fallen over. It looks different from the other cinnamon queen that I have. Lastly, I didn't answer this before, I think she is 3 years old.

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