What is wrong with my chicken's eye?


5 Years
Sep 25, 2014
We noticed that she was acting a lot like she was being broody. Walking around puffed up, feathers sticking out. Then noticed that she was closing her left eye. She is eating and does some walking around with the other hens, but is starting to get picked on. No odor or ooze around the eye. Thanks

Oh yeah forgot to say, whatever the object is, does move when she blinks and closes her eye.
Do you live in a tropical climate where eyeworm (seen below) may be a possibility? Is she scratching the eye? Could it be an injury or infection? Infections are fairly common especially after an eye injury. I would look into her eye with a magnifying glass for any short 1/8 inch long worms. If it looks like more of an injury or infection, then antibiotics would be in order. A vet would be the best source, but Terramycin ointment sometimes is available at farm stores if you ask for it. Valbazen is the treatment for eyeworm, used both in the eye mixed half with water, and given orally 1/2 ml and repeated in 10 days.

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