What Is Wrong With My Lavender Orpingtons Beaks??


Mar 14, 2020
Seattle, Washington
Hello all.
I have three, 3 and a half month old Lavender Orpington pullets.

Recently I’ve noticed something weird with their beaks. I’ve attached images, and each image is numbered to represent one of the chickens.

Chicken number 1: She has a weird bump on her beak?? Is this something to be worried about? What is it?

Chicken number 2: Hers is the flattest beak out of them all. But it has the same scratched up look.

Chicken number 3: Hers almost looks like a scab? It’s also scratched up but I haven’t seen any blood.

I’m mostly concerned about chicken number 1, as out of the other 2, she is the only one with a bump, almost looks like a wart.

These ladies are being fed Purina Start and Grow, and have a big run. Maybe 200 sq feet? Possibly more. I only have 5 chickens in all. The other two are year old barnevelder hens.

The last 2 weeks though, their run had some damage done to it, so they’ve been locked up in their coop, as they can’t free range because of coyotes and eagles. I didn’t notice their beaks until now.

What is it?? 4F4DD813-2E05-4803-919E-9C8ACA90AD77.jpeg 47A1DF50-CDD2-432C-B398-F58281822647.jpeg 91654A09-2A19-490A-BAA0-6C5AA567EE0B.jpeg
What is abscess or pox? What's the treatments for it? Is it something that can go away on its own?
It would probably need some treatment. Im not too familiar with this but an abscess is kind of like bumblefoot. You can think of it as a pimple with a scab. Pox on the other hand is painful sores around the body. Mostly on unfeatheared parts like, combs and feet. You could check around to see if it has more lumps around them if there isn’t any more then it’s probably just an abscess (not 100% sure tho) hopefully someone can answer soon and tell you what it is and how to treat it. :D
It would probably need some treatment. Im not too familiar with this but an abscess is kind of like bumblefoot. You can think of it as a pimple with a scab. Pox on the other hand is painful sores around the body. Mostly on unfeatheared parts like, combs and feet. You could check around to see if it has more lumps around them if there isn’t any more then it’s probably just an abscess (not 100% sure tho) hopefully someone can answer soon and tell you what it is and how to treat it. :D
So pox would need to be treated, and an abscess would need to be treated if it’s condition worsened? (my chickens have never had bumble foot or anything)

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