What is wrong with this chick?(video)


8 Years
Apr 5, 2011
The Dunes Indiana!
Hello all,

I went to get feed this morning and noticed they had just gotten a new shipment of chicks in. I was watching the chicks when I saw one getting trampled and doing little flips. I told the clerk(who knew less then even me) that it could be wry neck and they should give it some vitamin E and separate it...they said they were not allowed to do that and they didn't have vitamin e :(

So long story short, I took the chick home.I gave it some poly-vi-sol already and drops of water. It did seem to hold its head straight for a few minutes after that but it will not eat and I am not sure what else I can do...I just thought that it should at least have a chance. Any suggestions? Its probably 3 days old, not sure on breed. I notice it keeps its eyes shut a lot.

Thank you in advance,

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