What is your "catch phrase"?

that also applies to my daughter
I'm the third generation in my family to use phrases from a story that was originally on HeeHaw - Rindercella and the Pransome Hince. A favorite from this one is from the end of the story - "Slop your dripper". We use it when ever somebody spills something. My Uncle still calls my Mom his Sisty Ugler.

We also use phrases from Ladle Rat Rotten Hut . Favorites are "Half her gnats woke" when leaving to go out, "Groin murder" for Grandmother, "Garbled erupt" when a meal was devoured quickly, "Water bag mouser gut" when someone yawns real big or takes a huge mouthful of food, etc.
I guess my catch phrase sorta needs some explaining. It's "I never claimed to be a nice guy."


Because from my kids and nieces and nephews i always hear... Boyd, you're so mean

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