What is your chickens’ favorite scrap treat?

My flock (mixed chickens/ducks) are pretty excited about any scraps, but the favorite for the chickens is when I have leftover wet cat food (my diva cats will not eat the wet food when it has dried out even slightly). When I come in with the tub of cat food scraps I fear for my life!
The ducks, on the other hand, are mad for lettuce and anything pulpy such as melons. My Cayuga also particularly loves apples.
Everyone enjoys any fruit or veggie I have for them. Sometimes when we're all feeling naughty I share pizza crust with them too (very rare).
I'm lucky that the local grocer sells discounted veggies that are near the end of their life. today I got a whole bag of tomatoes for $0.99 and another bag of cucumbers, also $0.99.
Ours are totally free range. Barn cats get what cats will eat, chickens everything else. Once at a restaurant they were taking down the salad bar, everything into a garbage bag. A guy said that it was a shame, girl offered it to him. He laughed and said nobody would eat it now. I said that our chickens would. She double bagged it and I took it home. Next morning they started in on the huge pile. They ate it all. Olives, radishes, bean salad, potato salad, slaw, green peppers, carrots, cheese, everything. We got it another evening also. Happy chickens!

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