What is Your DREAM Flock? (And What's Realistic?)

I have finally assembled my dream flock!

Golden Laced Wyandotte
Golden Laced Polish
Black Jersey Giant
Easter Egger
Silver Laced English Orpington
Speckled Sussex

Incoming (July 22):
White Sultan
Silver Spangled Hamburg

I'd love an Eygptian Fayoumi and a few other breeds, but I don't think they'd be a good fit for my flock (too small, too flighty, etc...)
I've got 2 each Speckled Sussex, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Columbian Wyandotte, Gold Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, True Blue Whiting and True Green Whiting!
I "plan" to rehome the extras, tho I'll probably keep both of the blue and green Whitings!
They'll be here in about 4weeks!!!
I thought long and hard about my Dream Team and came up with

Speckled Sussex
Black Copper Marans
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Easter Egger

I have 2-3 of each plus a bonus Barred Rock. So far at 9.5 weeks their personalities seem to be meshing nicely and they are a gorgeous, diverse group! Waiting for my rainbow of eggs (though I really will need somebody who lays white eggs...next hatch perhaps!)
I am thinking I may need to rehome my Evil Twins. The two, (may just be one, I will have to investigate), young SLW egg machines I have are trying to peck the young'uns through the wire on the brooder. Seriously attacking the cage.
Hopefully in the next few weeks the babies will be big enough to at least get away.
I was surprised to see Rodger go all Rambo at her when she tried to get at him.
I figured out how I'm gonna get to raise all the different kinds of chickens I want and not run out of space. I'm just going to use an incubator or two to hatch out small batches of super rare colors and varieties in my area like chocolate orpingtons, silver laced barnevelders, bielefelders, Sicilian buttercups, stuff like that, and just sell them locally - there is PLENTY of interest apparently in specialty chickens where I live given how quickly I moved my three silkies. I literally had a waiting list of ten people waiting to buy them if the first guy fell through (he didn't). My new coop design is going to include a built-in brooder, so I can just raise chicks in spring and summer each year if I want.

Then if I ever fall in love with a particular rare breed while raising a group of chicks, I can arrange to swap out one of the home team for the new girl. Or, you know, just have 50 chickens all the time. :p
My white leghorns have been dependable layers practically every day of big white eggs for the three years that I've had them. They're not snuggly chickens but they are not troublemakers and they handle heat will if you live in a hot place.
I hope to get several acres with some fields and woodland and get a flock of:
Ayam Cermanis (Maybe separate)
All kinds of Brahmas
Buff Orps
Some EEs
Swedish Flower
Silkies (I'd keep them separate, possibly)
Mottled cochin
A couple Buckeyes and Austalorps
maybe some Wyandottes, but I'd keep those boogers separate
And a small herd of goats
Also, a couple roosters that were genuinely nice would be great! And the potty training thing sounds like it'd be a dream come true...
Okay, so on Tuesday I posted my dream flock, right? Well, I just got home from TSC... With 3 of the breeds I posted ( I already had some of them, but I got more today)!
A White Brahma
A Barnevelder
A white silkie and a blue splash silkie
And a random Turken who I've named Nanny, plus an unknown teeny tiny bantam and two ducks- a black swedish and an unknown. And, I already had 3 EE chicks from a couple days ago, plus 4 unknown bantams! All from TSC!!
Still trying to catch up on this thread!

Salmon Faverolles. I've heard they can lay pink too, but it may not be guaranteed. Many breeds lay different shades of light brown and some just end up being pinkish, especially with different amounts of bloom. I have an EE that doesn't lay green as hoped, just pale tan... but on a good day her egg looks rather pink. I've managed to save up a dozen eggs from her over a couple weeks and every single one is a different shade.

Those are such beautiul birds! I'll definitely keep you in mind for the future!!

Those breeds should give you some nice olive eggers if you breed them! Is that what you're going for?
Yes I'm going for all the colors! And I'll be able to breed the cream leg bars for selling in my area. Theres a market for cream leg bars chickens and Welsh harlequin ducks in my area.
When I started out with chickens my dream flock was simple. a variety of friendly chickens my kids and I could enjoy... mission complete, or so I thought!
Egg envy struck and I knew I needed more than just cream/tan layers so I got some blue, green and now brown layers. I'll be done after I find a nice BCM and white egg layer

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