What is your experience in hatching eggs without turning them?


6 Years
May 17, 2013
So, somehow my egg turner got unplugged and my chicken eggs were not turned. I feel awful about it, but I can't change what happened, so I am hoping for the best. I know all the things that can go wrong and how important it is to turn your eggs, but I was just wondering if anyone has first hand experience in this and what happened with your hatch. I'd like to know if there is a higher percentage of the eggs not hatching at all, or if more likely they will hatch but have deformities. If this has happened to you, I'd love to hear your story! Thanks!
They went probably most of the time not turning. I noticed when I was preparing for lockdown so they only got about 3 days worth of turning right at the end. I have 4 incubators going right now (3 incubating and 1 for hatching) and 2 of them were on a power strip that got switched off which is how the turner wasn't going. 2 of the eggs hatched and I can't see anything wrong with the chicks at this point and there is another one pipped. Has this happened to you?

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