What is your favorite breed of dog? & why?

Isaiah, you always post beautiful pictures of your animals but, have to agree with all the rest, that turkey is gorgeous.

I knew someone a few years back who had a pit bull. Wolfgang was my introduction to the breed. He was the sweetest, cuddlest, rock of a solid dog, I had ever met. When he would see me coming down the street - he'd start crying till he was let off his leash. He never jumped up(he could have knocked me down) but would sit at my feet while I kissed and hugged him.


I will have to find a pic of our dog. She is a sweet heart too! They melt your heart lol!

These are from when we were on vacation to Duluth. The pic where she was digging in the water was when we were looking for agates and she starting digging up big rocks and carrying them to shore lol! She was pretty proud of her rocks!
My favorite breed is mutts!! Is that a breed? I love a dog with an unknown heritage. It's fun to look at them and see traits and characteristics of different breeds. My current girl, I got from a shelter and was told she was Australian Shepherd and blue heeler. But who really knows!

My best dog ever is Maggie Jane, a F puggle. Rescued from a private home with 2 puggles, I think because she love to bark at everything :). We were told she hates men. Not true. We headed to the vet for a check-up as soon as we took ownership. On the way she taught me how to sing with her. Boy she like to sing. Howl if you will. She is also a great teacher. She instruct us on almost every issue we encounter like sharing our dinner with her and un-deserved treats, going out and coming back in, as long as there are more treats involved. Did I say more treats. She's the only dog I ever owned that learned our property lines & stays within them. And she don't bother the chicken, even if one happens to attack her. She does enjoy scrounging the chicken pen however, for leftovers.
My favorite breeds are definitely American Pit Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers (almost the same thing.....almost). Intelligent, easy to train, eager to please. It's a shame the bad reputation they've gotten from irresponsible breeders and bad training fueled by sensationalized media reporting. Of course, this is just their decade to be the "bad dog breed." German Shepherds, Dobermans, and Rottweilers each had their decade to be hated and feared.
I'm a mutt lover as well! Having worked as a vet tech for 10 years, 2 of those in a large Denver animal shelter, I have fallen in love with the one of a kind dogs. Not to say that there's not a place for purebreds, but it can be really hard to decipher a quality purebred from the opposite and the likelihood of health and behavior problems for a purebred that wasn't well thought out is often times devastating. I've had the purebreds (not well-bred by any stretch of the imagination) and dealt with their shortcomings and have had far better luck with my mutts. The two we have now are Stella, a possible Dane/greyhound/shepherdish big ball of dumb loveliness and Griffin, said to be boxer/terrier body-wagging goofball. They are phenomenal with my 5 kids and after a bit of work, have turned out to be fantastic chicken guardians, even if Stella is quite the egg thief! I love love love these beasts!




Either Australian Shepherds or Alaskan Malamutes. Where i am, it gets pretty cold, so a dog with alot of fur works beautifully. Bigger dogs are more useful for what i need(scaring away bears and coyotes), and are very gentle for their size. They are also just downright adorable
. I LOVE mutts, and have a great one right now, and purebreds can have quite a few health issues, so a mix is probably a better choice than a purebred. Still, I like the thick fur and great personalities of these breeds.
My sister and my older niece both adopted mutts from a shelter. The first one thought he was receiving messages from space - his hackles would go up and he'd growl & snarl at nothing. He was also a royal PITA until now when he has many years behind him. Now he is docile and normal. The other rescue is weirder still, has cost my sister a fortune for a million ailments. Both dogs are allergic to many things. They wanted mutts because "they are healthier than purebreds." Not in their case.

Neighbors a long time ago had a 7 yr. old Springer Spaniel Fritzie, I loved to visit. One day the husband asked if I wanted to see her puppies. She had 8 beautifully marked liver & whites & black & whites. Marked like Springers BUT, with rounded bully heads and smooth coats. I was crazy about them - I was very unhappy when my mother said I couldn't have one. I already had the first Cocker who only liked my father, and growled but never bit us. I wanted a dog that would like ME. My mother just didn't understand.

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