What is your favorite candle scent?

I am not a candle fan, which works out well since they can cause problems for birds and tarantulas, of which I am a fan

I do find myself loving rose scented candles, though, after years of thinking there wasn't a candle out there I'd like. I rarely get a chance to smell roses, and the candles smell so like them it's amazing.

I also recently found a candle scent I liked in some furniture store where my SO and I went so that he could scoff at the items and tell me how much better he could build them. I have no clue what scent it was, but the candle was the size of my head and cost a little over a hundred dollars

Wow. Just . . . wow. No wonder I liked the smell . . . at that price I'll bet it tastes good, too
Definitely anything Yankee candle, but it pretty much depends on the season. Right now, I have Balsam and Cedar/ Red Berry and Cedar/ Christmas Wreath buring all at once. Boy does that smell good! This fall I had Autumn leaves and Autumn woods. Spring any flower smell. Summer i don't burn alot -- too many naturally good smells.
I love anything with cloves in it. It just smells so like the holidays. Cinnamon, pumpkin spice and one soy one that is called rain. Its a very clean smell similar to crisp linens scent by partylite. I like the soy candles better they burn at a lower temp and seem to last longer than reg. ones. I buy them locally from people who make them around here. They will even fill a cantainer of your choice with a candle. You just have to make sure it is a safe one. They were great when my chicks were in the house. Jean
There's a Yankee Candle store in Hyannis, and when you walk in, it's like an all out assault on your senses - the scents, the pretty colors and sparkling glass, the music, everything except touch. And after a few whiffs, you just don't know what the heck to chose.

I love lit candles on the mantle in the evenings. Makes the whole living room seem warm.
I don't mean to hijack your thread, but being that I make and sell candles, I couldn't resist!

I make both all-natural soy wax container candles and paraffin pillars. The soy was IS safe for birds because it doesn't smoke or soot. We have over 60 different scents and have been told our candles are better than Yankee because they smell the same from the first time you burn them until they burn out. They don't stop smelling halfway.

My website has a list of all 60+ scents plus pics: www.NorthCoastCandleCompany.com

We're not a big company - just me and DBF trying to get started; been doing it about a year now. If anyone is interested (besides Hoosiers who just ordered 6!) please let me know and I'll gladly extend a 20% discount off the price of the candles only (not shipping) to all BYC members.

Thanks and sorry to hijack

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