What is your favorite chicken breed?

What is your favorite breed of chicken?

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I don't have experience with many breeds, but I have to say that we love our Black Star sex links more than our ISA browns. They all lay a ton of eggs for us, but the Black Star ones are more friendly and seem to not appeal to predators as much (?) Definitely recommend them for anyone looking for a nice breed that lays a lot of eggs.
Would love to get some Laced Wyandottes or Easter Eggers down the road.
OEGB: The hen we had was sweet, curious, beautiful and had a cool, upright, non-chicken looking body. We lost her to Mareks, but she was really fun and as close to being a friend as chickens can be. She loved to fly away for days and return to my daughter's windowsill once her adventures were over (this was not something we encouraged).

OEGBs lay tiny white/cream eggs and wouldn't be great meat birds, but we love them.

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