they are the most adorable little fluffy butt creature in the world.. I cannot imagine my life without them, and wonder how I have made it this far in life not having them.
Our Roo will sit on my leg and just talk to me, and he snuggles and I wish he was a puppy so he could live in the house!!
we have laying hens( RIR and leghorns) but they really don't have the personality and will scream bloody murder if you pick one up.
All of my Polish girls! Specially soon as I walk into the run she comes running at me so I bend down just a bit and she jumps on my lap then my shoulder and hangs out up there while I do whatever is I'm doing out there with the chickens...She's a sweetheart...I just can't wear any dangling earrings...ever...something about shiny and glimmering and moving attracts her to peck them out of my ears!
Since I don't have my chickens (yet)- I would have to say--Barred Rocks.. I love the looks of roosters and hens... I like their shape and barring! I am sure when my chickens arrive I will have favorites--I am sure personalities are a big part of 'favorites'!!