What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

My boy Gigi is sweet - and highly enjoys being blow dried after a bath. He falls right asleep when you hold him like a baby.
But he freaks out when his hair is down. He is always on high alert. He thinks someone is following him 24/7
[FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Well we actually have Three chickens who are working for this tittle.
Serena our buff cochin. She likes to follow me around and will take food from my hand.
Cherry Rhode Island Red who likes to be held but only on her terms. She usually will run from you.
Freeda our white Americana who loves to be snuggled right before we close up the coop for the night. She will stand on the roost and look at you until you pick her up and hold her close. I usually rub her head for a wile and then put her down and she goes right to sleep.
My two barred rocks are just wonderful. The are calm and follow is all over the yard. We are in the city and they are quiet and calm chickens that are sweet with my four year old.
Quick question....I've always thought that the more a chickens is handled and petted as a chick, the more often they will love people and be friendly when they are grown....is this true? or does it depend on the chicken?

Personally, I find that often my chicks are terrified of me no matter how slow and gentle I try to be and I handle them quite often. But around 3 months of age, they all suddenly get friendly. I think it's a natural instinct in chicks to be scared, but it also depends on the breed and the individual chicken. Some I don't believe will ever like me, while others are overly friendly right on my feet all the time, but I worked with and raised them all the same way. Of course, I find the best way to a chickens heart is cheese, hahaha. Even my most anitsocial chickens will run up to me and eat from my hands in order to get their fair share of the cheese.
Darla, is my favorite. She is a bantam cochin and I just recenlty figured out what variety because I want to get her a roo that would make babies as cute as her. She has been used for show and tell at my boys' preschools and more. She doesn't even quit laying (for a cochin at least) after trips into town and being handled by about 20 kids (while under VERY close supervision of corse).

I lover her!

Ohh, she is pretty! MIxed colors, but she is still beautiful and she's has geat type! Just lovely! My cochins are also my friendliest chickens, I just love them!
I have a orpington and she is just the nicest little thing. She follows me everywhere I go and if i am sitting she'll jump right up on my lap and practically fall asleep.
This little lady right here! Her name is Nugget and shes a 26 week old Old English Game bantam. She will sit on my lap longer than any cat or dog I've ever had, LOL. I've called to her and had her fly up on my shoulder more times than I can count!

Editing to add:

Nugget, at 12 weeks old.

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