What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

My silkie is the most friendly pullet ever! I gave her first bath and she just let me do my thing and blow dry her so easily. she sits in my lap and comes running to me. she even jumps up and down for me to pick her up. She's so special! I just love silkies. they are so calm and loving by nature.
all mine are friendly but my lavender rooster is a attention hog he will jump right on your lap.
Handsome fella. Sure wish our Lav Orp girl would molt so she could get new pretty feathers back in. She has yet to complete her first one (going on 2 yrs old too) and the feathers are lookin kinda rough. She is the leader of our flock even though she never has to do any work keeping the others in line.
I have 3 different kinds of chickens, but they all free range. I think that makes them less friendly and feel like they own our yard. They really don't like to be held while in the yard, but when they're in the coop, I'd say the Buff Orpingtons are the most friendly. They like to sit on my arm and my rooster Mowgli likes to sit on my shoulder and look awesome. The "girls" really like to sit around Mr. Mowgli, as I call him. Actually, all of the chicken breeds are quite friendly. Just the BuffO's the most.
I have 3 different kinds of chickens, but they all free range. I think that makes them less friendly and feel like they own our yard. They really don't like to be held while in the yard, but when they're in the coop, I'd say the Buff Orpingtons are the most friendly. They like to sit on my arm and my rooster Mowgli likes to sit on my shoulder and look awesome. The "girls" really like to sit around Mr. Mowgli, as I call him. Actually, all of the chicken breeds are quite friendly. Just the BuffO's the most.
HI and Welcome to BYC!!! That is awesome that your roo is that friendly. We had a roo right up until he started crowing. He was a lovely big boy but couldn't stand to be touched. Had to chase that fella down every time. He was docile while held but was ready to go the instant you touched him. A lot of people on here have said BO's are friendly. We have a LavO, she loves to sit on my shoulder.
My BR, Stella, will eat from my hands but backs away when I try to touch her. My EE, Miss Digby Chicken Caesar, won't even come near me when I am close to the coop, though she and I have worked out a way to give her treats without the BR eating all of them. My Faverolles rooster, Dr. Orpheus, is friendly and will eat near me, but isn't really into being touched. I have three BSM hens who crouch for me (they are still in quarantine after their sister mysteriously passed away) and let me pet them. Snow White, who has the least amount of splash, will lay down when I pet her and get kinda sleepy. They all get excited when they see me coming because they know I always have something for them, and I love them even if they are stand-offish.

We are incubating eggs for the first time, so I have the chance to make myself a lap chicken if the hatch goes well. The eggs are EExSF and BRxSF. I'm excited!
I have 3 barred rock girls and 3 red sex links .. We've raised them from tiny lil chick ... They are 18/19 weeks now and they are all very friendly... One barred rock doesn't care to be held for long.. and will peck to let you know to put her down.. but they all run to me and my kids every time we open the back door.. They follow, crawl up on our lap if we're on the ground tending the garden and will eat right out of our hands.. Simply wonderful chickens! =)

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