What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

I have five hens. Two Golden Comets, two EEs and one Barred Rock (one was killed). My Golden Comets are by far the friendliest. They follow me everywhere and come running whenever they see me. The BR is not skittish, but whenever I pet her she pecks me (doesn't hurt). Her name is Rebel and she is always getting in trouble. The two EE are very skittish and avoid touch. They're sweet, but definitely skittish.
Great name choice. Wish I had thought of that one. Our EE is a little crazy, she dances. So once a day she bee-bops over in front of us and dances, squats and waits to be petted. After that she is done with us, except for food she doesn't want to be touched again.
Great pics, looks like you have your hands full. Was it snack time???
Buff Orpington - Hazel girl. She's a free spirit. Doesn't always need to be with the flock and crouches down when she wants me to pick her up
All of my hens are pretty friendly and will come up to you because they are used to getting treats, but my most friendly and tolerant hens seem to be my barred rocks.. I have two that are awesome! One is like a dog wants to sit on your lap and tell you about her day and the other wants to be on your shoulder. I have RIR and they don't want anything at all to do with you except my roo. He will come up to you and sit by you but doesn't want to be picked up, although if you do he calms down. My buff orpingtons couldn't care either way what you do to them, but aren't over friendly either.
Buff Orpington - Hazel girl. She's a free spirit. Doesn't always need to be with the flock and crouches down when she wants me to pick her up
BO's seem to be a favorite among people on here. She sounds lovely.
One day I am going to have to get one. The again all of our birds are atypical. A few people suggested Faverolle's saying they were so calm and quiet. So we got one in our last order. She screams louder than any bird in the yard and cannot stand to be held. If we got a BO she would probably end up being the one out of the hatch that pecks at my toes every time I enter the pen.

All of my hens are pretty friendly and will come up to you because they are used to getting treats, but my most friendly and tolerant hens seem to be my barred rocks.. I have two that are awesome! One is like a dog wants to sit on your lap and tell you about her day and the other wants to be on your shoulder. I have RIR and they don't want anything at all to do with you except my roo. He will come up to you and sit by you but doesn't want to be picked up, although if you do he calms down. My buff orpingtons couldn't care either way what you do to them, but aren't over friendly either.
I could just picture a chickens sitting on a knee, clucking away on and on about the worm that got away. Sweet sounding crew.
@The Howards...our BO hazel is my favorite but my daughter loves our NHR Lucy...our other BO Basil...not so nice. She's kind of a bully, even chases the mallards around. Our least tame are the barred rocks, very noisy and nosy but do not like to be handled. All in all a fun first flock with the leader and my husbands favorite being our Pekin...Web...she is hysterical!
@The Howards...our BO hazel is my favorite but my daughter loves our NHR Lucy...our other BO Basil...not so nice. She's kind of a bully, even chases the mallards around. Our least tame are the barred rocks, very noisy and nosy but do not like to be handled. All in all a fun first flock with the leader and my husbands favorite being our Pekin...Web...she is hysterical!
Our Pekin Butter is a hoot too. DH was the one to introduce ducks to the flock, Butter and a Rouen Jake (a female) were the first two - we now have 10 ducks. Butter and I play a game where she fluffs up real big, quacks very loud and shrilly, and makes a production of trying to run from me....then she stops and waits for her hugs. I can call her name across the yard and she will shake her tail feathers or fluff up every time. You talk about Basil chasing the ducks...oddly enough our duck bully is the smallest bird in the yard, our silky Sonnie. She can put the fear in any duck out there, even the Scovies. Man their pecking order is a complicated thing, glad I don't have to keep up with it.
The Howards oh yes, those photos were right before treats. lol We have 85 chickens; 83 Pullet/ cockerel PR RIR, and 1 RRB (partridge breasted) OEGB Adult Roo, and 1 juvenile Partridge Cochin, a suspected roo.

I believe the PR RIR have a range of different personalities, sassy to sweet. Much depends on time spent with them. Much of our PR RIR portion of the flock is friendly and (reasonably) smart, with only a few being timid, flighty or slightly indifferent. The only two chickens who are noticeably more standoffish are our OEGB, and the Partridge Cochin, neither of whom actively seek out humans for attention/ affection. However, the OEGB was an adult when he came to us, but he will follow us and take food from our hands, but avoids petting or handling when he can. He treats the ladies very well, and we agree that his temperament otherwise has been excellent. We'd love to find him some breed correct lady friends, but haven't found the right ladies yet.

The Cochin is at the bottom of the pecking order. He's a timid little fellow, not unfriendly, submits to attention easily, but just has been indifferent- never seemed to seek out affection like the others. (We have hope for him yet-- he pecked my Crocs the other day, and hovered around, so I'm hoping one day he will decide to come forward for special treats.)

My favorite chicken is a 9 WO, affectionate, PR RIR cockerel named, "Handsome." He's a friendly little lap roo (so far). His smiling countenance and easygoing demeanor have made him popular in the flock, even with the roos. He has a favorite pullet who is always by his side. He's the flock sentry, and is the first to greet us whenever he sees us. I can always pick him out of the crowd with his contented but distinctive low whistle chatter when he sees me, and colorful green feathered neck band.

Handsome now at 8 weeks he's darker than this photo and you can't see his chest markings well. Below he's at 6 weeks, when he was feathering in unevenly lol.


This is one of my 11 week old pullets. She is a Hy-line X Welsummer. She was hatched by one of my girls who went broody. She keeps me company when I'm out doing chores and likes to sit in the palm of my hand or on my shoulder and beg for snacks!

She's also in need of a name! :D
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Aggie is a black Buff Orphington. She is a beggar and loves to be held. Very friendly she occasionally lays giant double Yorkers.

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