What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

. She is the only one that is named (Pretty Bird) because of that. I wonder if she did that on purpose to make it harder for her to be the next one processed when that time comes.
the evil genius, Pretty Bird. What nefarious plans is she hatching next? mwaaahahahaha
all my S L Wyandotts, are the best ever,
all such sweet amazing birds not an evil bone in theIr bodies, always sooo sweet , even when all our other chickens barred rocks & new Hampshire reds always go out of their way to go after the wynddotts to beat them up..? for no apparent reason...? just because they can it seems , and I was so glad to see our biggest wynadott stand up for her self against the bullies yesterday
.....lol... all our other chickens go out of their way to hunt the wyandotts & to peck at them , and the wyandotts have never acted in that way against any the other chickens , but now the tide has turned.....lol....and I hope the wyandotts will learn how to stand their ground,& to defend them selves, since I have to lock, up 2 barred rocks & one new Hampshire red because they are soooo mean...? until i can be out side to help defend the wyandotts, and it seems to be working as when I see the other chickens start going after the wyandotts to atack them , I yell and show them a stick & tell them you better stop...! & they turn and go away, but if I had known any of this before hand, i would never have any other breed of chicken other then wyandotts, & here is another plus for theSLW , the fancy western hat maker in our town wants to buy the SLW pretty feathers....!so thats a great plus for all our sweet wyandott babies ...!!....lol....
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I think I posted previously on this thread and said my RIR was my friendliest, but now that my chicks have grown up to almost adulthood, I would say my cochin (red) Ginger is my friendliest. No chasing at all! I just pick her up and she tolerates it - enjoys it even as she comes running to the front of the coop when I go out to see them in the morning.
Isa browns are so nice and gentle, that's why I have twenty of them! :love they all come running up to me and some will hop onto my lap. I EXTREMELY recommend them to any first time chicken owner. :D
all my S L Wyandotts, are the best ever,
all such sweet amazing birds not an evil bone in there bodies, always sooo sweet , even when all our other chickens barred rocks & new Hampshire reds always go out of their way to go after the wynddotts to beat them up..? for no apparent reason...? just because they can it seems , and I was so glad to see our biggest wynadott stand up for her self against the bullies yesterday
.....lol... all our other chickens go out of their way to hunt the wyandotts & to peck at them , and the wyandotts have never acted in that way against any the other chickens , but now the tide has turned.....lol....and I hope the wyandotts will learn how to stand their ground,& to defend them selves, since I have to lock, up one barred rocks & one new Hampshire red because they are soooo mean...? until i can be out side to help defend the wyandotts, and it seems to be working as when I see the other chickens start going after the wyandotts to atack them , I yell and show them a stick & tell them you better stop...! & they turn and go away, but if I had known any of this before hand, i would never have any other breed of chicken other then wyandotts, & here is another plus for the wyandotts , the fancy western hat maker in our town wants to buy the wyandotts pretty feathers....!so thats a great plus for all our sweet wyandott babies ...!!....lol.....
All but one of my "red" girls have attitude so I understand your pain. My very first sex-link, who was best pals with my Lav Orp, was very well behaved and relaxed. The rest of them are little h*ll raisers. I have found that Wyandottes are generally a docile breed and can wind up being bullied. But "every frog has his day" and eventually they grow up and learn to stand up for themselves. Oooo excuses ( i meant opportunities
) for more chickens!!

I think I posted previously on this thread and said my RIR was my friendliest, but now that my chicks have grown up to almost adulthood, I would say my cochin (red) Ginger is my friendliest. No chasing at all! I just pick her up and she tolerates it - enjoys it even as she comes running to the front of the coop when I go out to see them in the morning.
It is funny how their personalities change as they get older. It seems like at first they are so happy to be held and then a switch flips and they turn into independent little monsters. I wish my cochin would let me hold her. I love her fluffy bloomer feathers, she has the biggest butt I have ever seen on a chicken and think it is adorable! (makes me sound crazy I know but it is true)

Dominiques. Seem to crave being picked up and getting a facial and neck massage.
Yeah, we have a few that love to have a neck rub, especially between the waddles.
Glad you have a friendly one. Ours started out pretty friendly. She would jump on our laps for treats and rubs. Then she went a bit out of her mind and thought she had to put us under her in the pecking order. Now she realizes she is not above us and pretty much keeps to herself.
I had wyandottes and they were not friendly chicks but when they got older and didn't have a rooster they used to squat down hoping I was one.

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