What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

My 3 rhode island reds think they are lap dogs ...they get so excited to see me and immediately jump on my lap and " talk " to me and cuddle too ..they now love being petted and they all seem to want loving attention ...I truly love these gals ...I never thought I would become so attached to them
My red sex-a-links are the friendliest followed by a young EE hen and my EE roo
I wish we had a cuddly kinda roo. The closest thing we have is a silkie that doesn't mind being picked up but would rather be left alone. Our first EE was a pretty special girl. But then again I seem to think all of them are pretty special. I just keep trying to find that lapdog wanna-be in my flock.
My RIR is the head hen. She is very friendly with me - even trying to remove the mealworm bag from my hand if I move too slow! She will go around others begging for treats, but will follow me everywhere. Still, my cochin Ginger is much friendlier than the RIR was at this point in her development. They have not yet reached the point of lay, but will probably do so in November if the light holds out - we are in NW Florida, so it stays temperate here most of the year - gets really cold in Dec - Feb time frame. Looking forward to seeing how the final personalities turn out! Four hens are almost 1 1/2 years old, and the 7 chicks are 15 weeks or so - almost as big as the hens! Faces starting to turn pinkish, but no red faces or squatting yet. My menagerie consists of 2 RIR's, 2 Ameraucana's (or EE), 2 Brahmas, 3 Cochins, and 2 Buff Orphingtons. I love all of them!
Aww, Peaches. So cute. She sounds lovely. Our BO is the opposite
My buff orpington is the sweetest girl ever!!! she runs up to me to say hello every morning! Her name is peaches.
Aww, Peaches. So cute. She sounds lovely. Our BO is the opposite, she is a holy terror to the younger girls. Chasing them off from the feed bowls every chance she gets. I figure she is trying to work her way to the top of the ranking.
you have a avatar of a duck they are funny the way they eat. they are slobby and exited, and talk while they eat, "Common everyone let's eat!" chickens stand back and say "how undignified!"
you have a avatar of a duck they are funny the way they eat. they are slobby and exited, and talk while they eat, "Common everyone let's eat!" chickens stand back and say "how undignified!"
I was thinking the same thing tonight while I watched them eat. Ducks are like little steam shovels, gobbling up all the food they can as fast as they can grunting and yapping the whole time. Chickens delicately peck and choose their pieces, well unless it is a treat they love and then all bets are off.

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