What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?


Clair with her babies, she is such a good Moma. We can handle the babies anytime..
I'm loving all these pictures!

Here is a picture of one of my Barred Rock hens named Barbara. She has been my sweetest right from the get go even as a tiny chick. I almost thought something was wrong with her because she was so laid back. Anyway, all of my BR's are curious. I have two that really enjoy being picked up. One that doesn't like people that much and acts like I'm killing her if I try to pick her up. Another that generally likes to be held. But Barb takes the cake. They will all eat from our hands. Here she is enjoying some tv time and warming up in a towel because it's been pouring rain today. She's a people person but she sure can be a brat to the other ladies - she's the boss lady.



I don't know if they are mostly friendly because it's in their nature? Or if it's because we spent a lot of time socializing them. The hen house wasn't built in time for them to go outside and they were living in the house forever it felt.
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My friendliest is an EE hen. She has just recently decided she likes me and wants to be around me. Whenever I go into the run, as soon as she sees me she will fly up at me, usually landing on my back or shoulder. Sometimes she lands on my head and one time she flew at my face and before I could stop myself I blocked her but tried to catch her so she wouldn't fall. She reacted faster than I could and flew to one side of me.

I call it giving her a piggyback ride because she will ride on my shoulder for quite a while before she jumps down. If I reach up to get her off me and hold her and pet her, she will cluck and make little noises that sounds like she is very happy to be in my arms.

She didn't have a name but now I am trying to decide between Pearl or Alice. She was white last year but after this molt she has some colors on her, the main one is a creamy yellow or yellowy cream. LOL It makes me think of the iridescent colors in mother of pearl or Alice in Wonderland's hair, although not as yellow as the portrayed color of Alice's hair.

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