What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

Miracle our Black Australorp squats for us to pick her up and is always eager to say hello when we come out. She is very calm. She was the sole survivor of a hawk attack that took 3 young birds.

Buffy is one of our 2 Ameraucana's and is the most vocal and head strong, but she is curious and comes running when she sees us with treats. She lets us hold her but doesn't really like it.

Coco is our other Ameraucana and runs from us and hates to be picked up and held but doesn't bite.
My Spitzenhauben girls by far, they are good moms and let me near the nest and chicks, always the first to greet you when you come home,

Friendliest or Most Tolerant? This is our daughter Emma with her Barred Rock, Lucky. The silly chicken falls asleep in Emma's arms while they're taking a walk or just hanging out in the yard. Lucky is missing her middle toe on her left foot. She gets her toenails painted, likes to help out in the garden and chill out with an afternoon cocktail or a bit of tv... she even went camping with us for July 4 weekend and went swimming in Cayuga Lake! special...
My husband's little girlfriend is SweetiePie, a Buff Orpington. She does a little hula dance in front of him to get a little snacky snack and then jumps into his cupped hands. She pecks at any of the other girls that get too close to Daddy-O!
My friendliest chicken is probably Fresno the Light Sussex for my big chickens.

Then...Ugalee as the bantam one, she just did her first photo shoot for my sponsors!
My chickens are Isa Browns and they are extremely gentle! They love there food and follow u every were. Never peck me or my family very funny and don't care about being picked up and hugged ( mine falls asleep ) best family chicken breed. ( and very easily hypnotized )
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Our most gental chickens are are two Buff Orpingtons and our Six Rhode Island Reds. We have 40

birds in tottal and three different types of ducks! Our Amerucana's are also very friendly and smart. Love them all! :)

My Plymouth Rocks are so friendly! From what I read on here I thought my BO's would be more friendly, but they proved me wrong! My Plymouth Rocks come right up to me and wait until I rub their bellies. They were 2 weeks older than my BO's and they started laying 4 weeks ago, my BO's haven't started laying yet. I would recommend Plymouth Rocks to anyone, they like to be held too. I'm not quick enough to catch the BO's.
I have three that I hatched for our bible school in June, and I have tried to put them out with the others in the coop and they always coming running back up to the house. They are a black Ameraucana, a Welsummer/Ameraucana cross and a grey Easter Egger
My friendliest is my ameraucana pullet. She LOVES to snuggle. The ameraucana cockerel I got at the same time is a close second. All of my birds come running up if I step outside. The sound of the door opening is like a dinner bell. They have to see if I might have treats for them.
I have one barred rock, keith (a hen
), and for some reason she is really friendly and all the other three barred rocks of the same age and that were raised with her are skittish... i'll never figure chickens out... but i still love them

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