What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

My friendliest chicken is one of my newest. She is half Cochin and half SLW but exhibits more of the Cochin traits and is very pretty - even with her very large yellow feet. She follows me and will pull at my pants leg to get my attention if I don't acknowledge her first. She is very "chatty". My older girls, Light Brahmas and Black Australorps are so quiet compared to her. She thinks she should always be fed from my hand. Very sweet and very curious.
My Brabanters are the most friendly.

They will sit on my lap and allow me to walk up and scoop them up with no fuss.

They will perch on my outstreched arm to eat treats from the opposite hand.

They make pleasant honking/beeping sounds and don't yell at me the way some of our chickens do

Pullet - 6 months

I never expected my friendliest to be my leghorn! She's so sweet, though. I scoop her up with one hand under her belly, and she rides around with me. One day we even walked my daughter to school, and she didn't complain at all as a few hundred elementary school kids put their hands all over her.

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Well the friendliest chicken I ever had was Daffodil and she was a young Buff Orpington. But right now I have a pretty nice one called Pumpkin & she is a young New Hampshire Red.
My Brabanters are the most friendly.

They will sit on my lap and allow me to walk up and scoop them up with no fuss.

They will perch on my outstreched arm to eat treats from the opposite hand.

They make pleasant honking/beeping sounds and don't yell at me the way some of our chickens do

Pullet - 6 months

I love that looking-upward-tilted-head look chickens give, something about it is so cute! adorable chicken you have there.
My feandlest are all my salmon faverolle pullets and roosters. They love to be packed around and eat, eat a lot of treets! They cuddle and follow me around. They help keep the garden free of bugs and weeds. They also find a way to our windows when they here us in the house.
No one will believe this but my friendliest is a black Sumatra pullet. Anytime I sit down in the chair to watch them she will come over and get on my lap or perch on my arm. She started this on her own as I have never tried to make lap pets out of them.

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